Siakouli Panagiota - Pulmonary Thebes - Asthma - Hops - Oximetry - Spirometry Before and After Bronchodilation

Siakouli Panagiota - Pulmonary Thebes - Asthma - Hops - Oximetry - Spirometry Before and After Bronchodilation

22690 Visitors:
Address: 24, Pelopida Str.
Area: Thiva
Telephone: 2262304485
Mobile: 6945846901
P.C.: 32200
Fax: -
Responsible: Panagiota Siakouli
Responsible phone: -
Doctor Shiakouli Panagiotas is a Pulmonary Tuberculosis Specialist, having worked in the field of Pulmonology - Tuberculosis, and has been working for two years at the Athens Thoracic Nursing Hospital "SOTIRIA", the largest and most specialized hospital in Greece. The main concern of the physician is the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with respiratory diseases, the explanation of the available treatment options and the constant contact with the patient. Seasonal and chronic...
22690 Visitors:

24, Pelopida Str., Thiva

22690 Visitors:

Doctor Shiakouli Panagiotas is a Pulmonary Tuberculosis Specialist, having worked in the field of Pulmonology - Tuberculosis, and has been working for two years at the Athens Thoracic Nursing Hospital "SOTIRIA", the largest and most specialized hospital in Greece.

The main concern of the physician is the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with respiratory diseases, the explanation of the available treatment options and the constant contact with the patient.

Seasonal and chronic respiratory diseases of adults are treated in the office. Flu, pneumonia, cough, shortness of breath, chronic bronchitis, sleep apnea, sarcoidosis, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, pleural effusion, etc.



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pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Cough - Dyspnoea
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Pneumonia
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Emphysema
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Haemoptysis
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Acute & chronic bronchitis
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Lung cancer
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Sleep apnea syndrome
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Whistle
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Tuberculosis
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Bronchiectasis
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Sarcoidosis
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Pneumothorax
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Pulmonary embolism
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Fibrosis of the lung
pulmonologist in Thebes, tuberculosis Thebes, treatment of Thebes pneumonia, immediate treatment of Thebes flu, chronic Thebes pulmonary diseases Lateral collection
22690 Visitors:

24, Pelopida Str.

Telephone: 2262304485
Mobile: 6945846901

Working Hours
